Detectives Diane Memphky and Russ Jones are summoned to a small apartment and find a woman’s body. The dead woman is Amy Christy, an ex-con and prostitue.
To solve this homicide, detectives Memphky and Jones find through a series of related homicides what trauma and bad blood can create.
Detectives Diane Memphky and Russ Jones are summoned to a small apartment and find a woman's body. The dead woman is Amy Christy, an ex-con and prostitue.
To solve this homicide, detectives Memphky and Jones find through a series of related homicid...
Pepi McKenzie has been incarcerated for over two decades. His latest urban mystery, Street Life Part 1 reveals how attorney Amy MacArthur and Private Investigator Larry Moony use Amy's legal acumen and Larry's street credentials to fight against corr...
In the early period of predynastic Egyptian history, there was a teaching of the Osirian doctrine. This was a special teaching describing the philosophy of mastering and discovering one's true self. Pepi Mckenzie has uncovered the link between the Os...
Street Life: Redemption reveals how law enforcement, the judiciary, prison psychologists, and those that rotate in the shadows of Minneapolis' cigar-smoke filled rooms have conspired to incarcerate by any means necessary, to fill their corrupt coffer...
Beautiful Reflections are what looked back at me as I stared at the world through cell bars.
Beautiful Reflections are what looked back at me when I held my soul and judged myself.
These beautiful reflections mirror my beautiful struggle. A str...